Make a Difference
Mid-Alabama Coalition for the Homeless has been designated by HUD as the Continuum of Care for the five counties in Alabama’s River Region.

A Continuum of Care is the source for the creation and support of a centralized planning process for individuals and families who are experiencing homelessness or are at risk of homelessness in a coordinated effort to obtain permanent housing stability. See more about the Continuum of Care Competition by clicking the button below.
MACH pursues activities that fill gaps in services in our area, such as Street Outreach and Housing Assistance. MACH also incorporates best practices developed by HUD and other organizations into its programming. View some of our key programs on this page and click the button below to register for alerts regarding volunteer opportunities as they become available.
Continuum of Care (CoC) Advisory Committee: Charlene Roberson and Lydia Pickett, Co-Chairs
- manage the formal structure for the continuum of care process
- review local data and needs analysis, coordinating with Data Collection Committee
- meet virtually at 3:00 p.m. on the second Wednesday of April, August and December of 2023 at
Coordination of Services Advisory Committee: Ghandi Daniels and Sheralyn Belyeu, Co-Chairs
- manage linkages among service providers to assure MACH keeps its members updated
- holds service presentations and training events for MACH
- organizes MACH’s annual events, including Blanket Drive, Not-A-Bed Sleepout,
River Region Connects
- meet virtually at 2:00 p.m. on September 27 and October 18 of 2023 at
Mainstream Resources Advisory Committee: Tara Davis, Chair
- encourage local mainstream resources (ex. Medicaid, TANF, DHR, etc…) to collaborate with MACH’s agencies
- coordinate efforts to prevent homelessness (ex. upon discharge from hospitals or corrections) and provide services needed by those exiting the homeless service system
Homelessness Management Information System (HMIS)/Data Collection: Tasha Cooper, Chair
- manage the homeless enumeration data collection process, including gaps analysis and assisting members of local government with homeless counts
- oversee the management and maintenance of the HMIS system through the HMIS lead agency and encourage local agencies to participate
- regularly review the policies and procedures established for HMIS
Membership Advisory Committee: Eileen Knott, Chair
- identify gaps in the Coalition’s membership base; and recruit new members to fill those gaps
- make recommendations to the full membership of the MACH Board regarding acceptance of those seeking membership
- assist in contacting lapsed and non-renewing members to encourage rejoining
- meet virtually at 10:00 a.m. on December 7, 2023 at

Street Outreach
MACH’s Street Outreach program provides services and case management to those living on the streets or in places not meant for human habitation. Street outreach workers provide practical support and guidance to those sleeping rough or experiencing homelessness, helping them create support plans for themselves and encouraging them to participate in programs that enable them to be housed. The MACH staff is on call five days a week during business hours to respond to requests for assistance received directly by MACH and through the 2-1-1 Connects Call Center.
The U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development requires that Continuums of Care conduct Point-in-Time counts of people in unsheltered locations at least every other year. MACH usually conducts the count every year during the last 10 days of January. This effort always requires a large number of volunteers. Subscribe to HandsOn River Region to be kept informed of this and other volunteer opportunities by visiting
Housing Assistance
The Housing Assistance Program helps individuals or families who are homeless, facing eviction, or are unstably housed (living in a hotel, doubled up, sleeping place-to-place, etc.). Applicants selected to participate may receive financial help with move-in expenses, rental and utility arrears, help with creating a housing stability plan (budgeting, referrals to GED classes, technical school, college, or training programs, etc.). Clients will be assisted with applications for disability benefits or mainstream resources and other supportive services, as needed.
- Program participants will be required to pay a portion of their expenses each month, as determined by the MACH program staff.
- Additional eligibility criteria will be discussed with each applicant.
- Referrals are ONLY accepted through Case Managers or other representatives of homeless shelters and community organizations.
- Agency representatives should call 2-1-1 to make the initial referral to the program.
- Clients must be homeless or at risk of homelessness. Click here for the HUD definition of homelessness.

Blanket Drive
In November, MACH collects new and gently used blankets, coats, hats, scarves, gloves, and winter wear. Donations are distributed to the community’s homeless population during the winter months and in January during MACH’s annual Point-in-Time Count.
Most-needed items:
- Blankets
- Hats
- Jackets
- Boots
- Sleeping Bags
- Scarves
- Socks
- Coats
- Gloves

Blanket Drive
In November, MACH collects new and gently used blankets, coats, hats, scarves, gloves, and winter wear. Donations are distributed to the community’s homeless population during the winter months and in January during MACH’s annual Point-in-Time Count.
Most-needed items:
- Blankets
- Hats
- Jackets
- Boots
- Sleeping Bags
- Scarves
- Socks
- Coats
- Gloves
Data Collection/Homeless Management Information System
Each year, MACH conducts the HUD-required Point-in-Time count on one night within the last ten days of January. The annual survey assists HUD and the local coalition with the information necessary to help plan strategies to end homelessness. During the survey, volunteer teams canvas areas where those who are experiencing homelessness are known to gather.
MACH works with HandsOn River Region to oversee this survey and record the date in the local Homeless Management Information System (HMIS). HMIS is a secure system that allows a number of different agencies to continuously enter information about homeless services provided, which helps the CoC and local service providers maintain a current picture of community needs and creates a centralized system for those in need to access services.